Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis Calculator

Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis Calculator

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Probability of Neonatal Early-Onset Sepsis Based on Maternal Risk Factors and the Infant's Clinical Presentation

The tool below is intended for the use of clinicians trained and experienced in the care of newborn infants. Using this tool, the risk of early-onset sepsis can be calculated in an infant born > 34 weeks gestation. The interactive calculator produces the probability of early onset sepsis per 1000 babies by entering values for the specified maternal risk factors along with the infant's clinical presentation.

Please enter details below.

Predictor Scenario
Incidence of Early-Onset Sepsis 
Gestational age 
Highest maternal antepartum temperature 
ROM (Hours) 
Maternal GBS status 

Type of intrapartum antibiotics 


Risk per 1000/births
EOS Risk @ Birth
EOS Risk after Clinical Exam Risk per 1000/births Clinical Recommendation Vitals
Well Appearing
Clinical Illness
EOS Risk after Clinical Exam Risk per 1000/births
Well Appearing
Clinical Illness
EOS Risk after Clinical Exam Clinical Recommendation
Well Appearing
Clinical Illness
EOS Risk after Clinical Exam Vitals
Well Appearing
Clinical Illness
Classification of Infant's Clinical Presentation
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